Welcome, patriots, radicals, and the curious! Continuing the family tradition, I join my cousin, Edmund Randolph, in bringing the past to life... blog-style. Join me as I venture through the grand and glorious place called France, through vineyards, across cobblestone streets, and through your casual 'fromagerie' as I debate with and persuade French officials to aid our infant nation (fancy fancy diplomacy skills). Along the way, you might just learn a new word or two, such as langouste (lobster!) or perhaps come face to face with some of the greats and notorious. Please enjoy!

Oh, and by the way, you pronounce the title 'Revolution, Sill Vu Ple,' not 'sill voos plate'! Visit 'The First Lesson' to see how your one of your most beloved Founding Fathers can be a dunce entirely.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Please Excuse The Absence...

Hello, dear friends! Please excuse the rude absence, and the following blog post. I am everywhere at once, except at my computer! I have only a few minutes before my meeting with Monsieur Talleyrand!

The above picture of that grand iron door is the entrance to my residence: it's still under construction?!

(Be sure to come visit me at 92 Avenue des Champs Elysees!)

While busily bustling around Paris, meeting with the ordinary rose vendor and following the scent of a baguette, I managed to sneakily shoot several photos (can't have me being hung on charges of witchcraft, now can we?).

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